- welcome to -
Life Drawing

Life Drawing
We welcome beginners through to experienced artists. Must be 18 years +.
Our group is run by volunteers and the following fee structure enables us to share
the cost of the model and other associated expenses.
• Pre-paid term (8 weeks) - $200 (after General Membership of $50).
• 3-hour sessions, Friday 10am-1pm, which includes a coffee/tea break.
• Casual attendees welcome*, $35 (BMCAC members), $45 (non-members). Payable in cash on the day.
• Where – Blue Mountains Creative Art Centre (BMCAC), corner Hare and Moore Streets, Glenbrook, in the purple main building.
• Models – We strive to provide a range of interesting, professional, nude models throughout the term.
• Materials – bring your own materials, such as pencils, charcoal, ink, paint, paper, and erasers. We provide easels/backing boards, tables and chairs.
Session outline
11am – 11:20am Break (tea and coffee provided)
11:20am – 12:45pm A series of longer, seated and reclining poses ranging from 15 – 30 minutes for more detailed studies.
Please Contact the Facilitator, Rick Hawkins, if you have any questions.
See Contacts page for details.
* The Life Drawing Group requires a minimum of 6 pre-paid attendees to sign up to each 8-week block to enable the term to commence. If the group is smaller, a larger fee will need to be agreed upon for the term to go ahead.
Casual attendees are advised to contact the facilitator to ensure that the term is running. NB. Pre-paid unattended sessions are non-refundable as per BMCAC class guidelines.
Members please login before purchase.